Analytics is a set of features available for manufacturers to get various types of insights on their extensions and product usage. For some of these features, namely Extension Analytics and Product Analytics, the data that drives these comes from CET and the respective manufacturer's extensions.
This article will cover the general concepts at a high level. The subsequent articles in this section will cover more specific details on the implementation.
CET statistics
The mechanisms involved in CET that responsible to supply data (also referred to as "events") to Analytics is referred to as CET statistics. Events are captured during usage of CET from all users "as is" and sent to Analytics backend. The raw statistics is then processed and presented as valuable information and insights for respective manufacturers without compromising the privacy of individual users.
Manufacturer exclusivity
On the various Analytics features, manufactures are only presented with information and results that are specific to their own data or extensions. For a given developer MyConfigura account, the developer is to be only able get insights from events that are specific to their associated manufacturer.
Hence, in order to get most accurate results, it's important to ensure that all of the manufacturer's events gets accurate associated to said manufacturer by the CET statistics system.
Developer Responsibility
The CET statistics system would gather the right data automatically in most cases, in which the Analytics features would present accurate and properly structured information out-of-the-box for manufacturers and their extensions. However, this is done on a best-effort basis, and it would not exhaustively cover all cases since customization possibles are almost endless. Hence it is the responsibility of the developer of each manufacturer's extension to verify the extension related data captured by the CET statistics system is accurate, so that the Analytics features can provide the most value to the manufacturers.
It's also in the best interest of the developers to fine-tune some of the data captured to be more useful for their respective implementations. Furthermore, developers may further leverage the CET statistics system and Analytics for more use cases than what's provided out of the box. Visit the article on Extension Analytics and Custom Events for more information.
The specific instructions for different types of Analytics may vary, the general approach is as below:
- Read up on the documentation (such as articles in this section) and look out for any new changes on Analytics from the migration guides.
- Test your extensions and observe, using the tools provided, the extension-related data captured by the CET statistics system.
- Verify that all data captured is accurate and complete. And whether the correct manufacturer-identifier is captured.
- Consider whether any fine-tuning of data or additional data capture is needed. Use the documentation as a reference to implement those.
- Use the same tools to verify and test any implementation made.
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