To install CIL on a server, you will need to load the CI Libraries Warehouse installer available from the License Manager under Software Downloads - ProjectMatrix Data Warehouse.
When running through the CI Libraries Warehouse Installer, choose Multi-User Mode.
Then pick a Server name and Data location on the Company Tab.
Allow the app to finish installing, then navigate to the location that you set on the Company tab for the data.
Right-click that folder and go to Properties, then Sharing and Copy the “Network Path” listed.
Then Navigate to the License Manager and click on the My Company shortcut to be redirected to your company page.
Scroll down to Server settings and find the server that you just created in the previous step. Left-click on its name to edit the Data Path and copy in the path you copied from the last step.
Any user who is currently pathed to an existing database can remove the file PMPOINTER.XML located in C:\users\public\projectmatrix, and then when a CIL app is started next, it should prompt to point to the server location you created automatically.
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