All Arguments in Current Method/Function ..
public void f1(int a, int b) { super(..); } public void f2(int a, int b) { f1(..); }
All Arguments Other than the Start And/Or End -.. ..- -..-
public void f1(int a, int b) { } public void f2(int a, int b, bool x) { f1(..-); } public void f3(bool x, int a, int b) { f1(-..); } public void f4(bool x, int a, int b, bool y) { f1(-..-); }
All Arguments from or After |.. ..|
public void f1(int a, int b) { } public void f2(bool x, bool y|, int a, int b) { f1(|..); } public void f3(int a, int b|, bool x, bool y) { f1(..|); }
All Arguments and the Rest of It rest: type[] name
public void f1(int a, int b, int c, int d) { f2(..); } public void f2(int a, rest: int[] otherInts) { //otherInts is null if no value is passed in. }
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